Hi Friends!
Oh man! We had the *best* weekend down in Champaign with our friends, Denise, Tony, & Isabella! Anyone who knows me knows that I bleed orange and blue. I absolutely *adore* my Alma mater, The University of Illinois. I'm not going to lie, when I opened my birthday card from Denise and Tony and the Illini tickets fell out, I about hyperventilated, I was so excited! It's been 13 years since I've been to an Illini game (I was pregnant with Maddie), and I couldn't wait to go to the game and cheer my Illini on! I love every part of going to a game: the tailgating, all the crazy orange-and-blue fans, the pregame show, the football (!), halftime...I love it all!

Tony works for the Champaign Parks Department, who has a partnership with the radio station, so he scored us some awesome tickets to a pre-game tailgate party; all the hotdogs, brats, chili, potato salad, and cookies we could eat, along with all the soda and beer you wanted (at 10:00 in the morning!). The best part of the party had to be that the Marching Illini pep band playing in our tent while we were eating! As a proud former band geek, I am a pretty hardcore Marching Illini fan. (Okay, I totally just cracked myself up with the "hardcore Marching Illini" fan description {but it's true}).
Of course, we had to get to the game extra-early so we could watch their pre-game show!
As you can see, there were about 12 other fans there that early! : )
We had plenty of time to take pictures before the band even took the field!
As always, the band was awesome! I sang all the school songs loud and proud. All by myself. : )
Can you believe that anyone would miss this awesomeness?!?
It was Senior Day, so we got to watch all the seniors get introduced. Then the team took the field and it was time for football!!
The first half was so much fun!! We ROCKED! I couldn't help texting my friend, Karen, the obnoxious Badger fan, throughout the whole first half. We scored and caused fumbles and scored again! It was magical!
And then. Well, we didn't play as well in the second half, and we lost. No worries, though! I still cheered my head off and enjoyed every minute of the game.
After the game, we picked up the kids and Isabella and headed over to meet this guy:
This is Jake. Isn't he gorgeous? Denise is his proud owner. Denise grew up riding horses, and now Isabella will, too. She already has her very own tiny, adorable boots:
Her boots aren't half as cute as she is, though!
After we all rode Jake, it was back to the house for Papa Dell's pizza, which is, of course, the best pizza on the planet!
I am so thankful for getting to spend the weekend with some of my *absolute favorite* people. Thanks for an awesome weekend, Denise, Tony, and Isabella! I love you!!